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[Help Needed] FFmpeg in Playnite Sounds Extras - Printable Version

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[Help Needed] FFmpeg in Playnite Sounds Extras - OneAngryGamer - 02-27-2024

I have made some improvements to Playnite Sounds Extras  but before I release the next update, I want to make some changes to FFmpeg.

I need command lines that work for the following:
  1. Converting audio files to mp3 - add the filename and game name as metadata.
  2. (OPTIONAL) Importing mp3 files to Playnite Sounds folder - remove any embedded image from the copy made. I need to reduce the file footprint due to the number of files I have imported.
I have tried the first but it didn't work. Appreciate any help.

RE: [Help Needed] FFmpeg in Playnite Sounds Extras - OneAngryGamer - 03-13-2024

I can not add metadata to any mp3 using FFmpeg.

Here is some of the commandlines I have tried:

        $null = &"$fullnameFFmpeg" -i "$fullnameInMP3" -metadata title="TEST TITLE" -c:a copy -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 "$fullnameOutMP3"

        $null = &"$fullnameFFmpeg" -i "$fullnameInMP3" -map 0 -codec copy -write_id3v2 1 -metadata "title=TEST TITLE"  "$fullnameOutMP3"

        $null = &"$fullnameFFmpeg" -i "$fullnameInMP3" -map 0 -codec copy -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 -metadata "title=TEST TITLE"  "$fullnameOutMP3"

        $null = &"$fullnameFFmpeg" -i "$fullnameInMP3" -metadata title="TEST TITLE" "$fullnameOutMP3"

  • fullnameFFmpeg exists and is the FFmpeg exe
  • fullnameInMP3 exists and is the input mp3
  • fullnameOutMP3 does not exist and is the desired output path & filename